Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Books on Law of Attraction

I must begin with, as I am sure many of you already know, there are a ton of books on law of attraction. When I was first introduced to this concept of actually having a hand in creating something to happen in my life on purpose with my thoughts I wanted information.

I wanted to know how do I do this and how long will it take for me to get that? Do I do this first or do I do that first. The questions were coming in to my mind like a flood.

After seeing the movie the secret the first time, a few years back, I really was not the same, so I had to find information to help fill the instant longing of how to make this work for my life.

My first book that focused totally on this was the Law of Attraction by Abraham-Hicks. I had heard so much about this book I had to get it. I was taken back at first with knowing the information was channeled through Ester Hicks by Abraham. However, by the time I completed the book it just did not matter. The information was explained and delivered perfectly for me to understand and apply it. So, my favorite are the books in their series. I promise you will learn all the basics.

Another excellent book is by Michael Losier, The Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't. Just the words in the title make you want to dig into this book. Losier has been teaching this a long time. And what I really like about Michael is he is training others to teach the law. I believe the more people that can learn the basics the better our lives will become.

I have a cool list to the right side with more great law of attraction books.